Unity Consciousness-

Authentic me…..no masks, real thoughts, no desire to offend divide or attack only address some deep concepts. I share these things out of my real desire to connect, share and receive NOT position myself as anyone’s leader or ask you to change your mind on account of my own. I have already been exposed to the Good vrs. Bad mentality at length and feel it is actually able to be transcended by shifting your perspective to one of true UNITY- which I define as making use of all experiences and energies for the higher cause not judging it. My experience is that by simply viewing these experiences as such you decrease the frequency of attack by them completely.

If you agree with what I am saying from your own personal experience, I am VERY interested in your detailed comments- this is my first time being open about a lot of this and so I am very curious if anyone else I am friends with is approaching or reading a “similar page” in their own book of spiritual and personal awakening. If you disagree completely I am also interested in your perspective IF you have something to say that I did not consider already or you really think would present an angle to me that is presently hidden the by all means please share. Serious additions to my reality and knowledge are always welcome by me if your perspectives could be transforming or enlightening ❤

7 Steps of Alchemical Transformation: The Process of Ascension


These 7 Steps of Alchemical Transformation~ What is Ascension:

(VERY IMPORTANT KNOWLEDGE) Below describe what the ascension process is like according to the alchemists and which is in harmony with my personal experience. I can back their claims up with my own testimony. I speak about the Alchemical concepts of sacred union from the perspective of experiencer, not just researcher.

These 7 steps happened non-linearly and they enable the growth of consciousness in all directions. These 7 steps can be related to each of the 7 chakras and planets as well and are part of an anciently recognized process of permanent transformation that actually gave birth to modern science and has been under attack by the Roman Catholic Church for thousands of years. It is this info they do not want us to understand and this IS the ascension process broken down and explained in step by step human terms.

1) CALCINATION: The first step is called calcination and in your personal experience it can be equated to the trials and tribulations that arise in life to point out your short comings and inspire transformation. The process is meant to assist in destroying the ego’s attachment to material things or things outside of the self and is often humbling. When you realize that change is necessary due to unavoidable indications you are inadequate in some area it can feel crushing and overwhelming, but, ultimately it is the crisis that fuels the needed change. Physically calcination is related to exercise and chemically to fire as it burns away at all material that is undesirable. Psychologically and spiritually it is the flames of the higher consciousness which will burn away the dross of the restricting habits, beliefs and limitations of the ego self.

2) DISSOLUTION: During dissolution the conscious mind is forced to let go of controlling everything so that previously repressed consciousness material may come to the surface awareness and previously held ideas and rigid structures are destroyed within the psyche and interior world. This step is associated with the second chakra and the kundalini experience being continued from the first chakra and energizing the rest of the body with it’s energy. During dissolution you may experience more profound dreams, visions and voices which are all experienced in order to push the boundaries of your rational mind and allow for the realization of new material to take place.

3) SEPARATION: The third step is associated with your 3rd or solar plexus chakra. During separation your soul comes together with spirit and for the first time experiences a higher perspective that is brought back to your daily awareness. The new perspective gave the soul the discernment for performing the act of separation and discarding of unwanted materials realized during the first two steps. During childhood the rational masculine mind rejects the contents of the feminine and other aspects of the true self that were not recognized by others or encouraged by family members and teachers. When we discard our unworthy attitudes and beliefs in the step of separation more aspects of our own self are able to be revealed to us, often restoring pieces of our self image from childhood as we were originally intended to be and to perceive ourselves as. Now that your blocks and misspent energies have been identified and released, there is more conscious energy available to you to further your transformation and growth with. You may begin to have deep revelations of your own innocence during or after this phase. It will be important to claim your innocence permanently, but, not cast blame and judgment onto others either. Just as spirit is embracing and restoring you right where you are at remember to accept and not hold bitterness toward others you have judged. The energy it takes to judge another being and truly despise them could be energy full of light and power, directed toward your true life expression.

4) CONJUNCTION: The fourth chakra, the heart chakra, is associated with the process of conjunction. During conjunction you are performing the marriage of the two sides of consciousness within, the solar and lunar or male and female intelligences. The stage also represents the merger of matter and spirit by joining the three steps below with the three steps above. During conjunction it is only the purest parts of the self that are recombined for transformation and a new type of heart intelligence is born. Many people call this level of consciousness “living from the heart” and it is a new type of perceiving reality that is experienced as being superior to feeling or thought alone. When conjunction is achieved you may also notice an enhancement of your intuitive faculties and the realization that there is much less to say and much more to listen to. Most of your beliefs will be under scrutiny and you may find that layers of old fears and dogma were literally stripped from your mind during the process. You may perceive yourself from many new and startling angles and should also catch a glimpse of your elusive friend your shadow making his presence known.

5) FERMENTATION: The 5th throat chakra is related to the process of fermentation. Fermentation represents the new life that is born from the putrefaction of another living organism. The symbolism suggests a presence of new life and along with it new vitality. At this step an important solidification of the soul and spirit’s merger becomes permanent and the new life force finally overcomes the original identity with its higher presence. The new spiritual power and presence begins to rejuvenate and invigorate the new life, adding a new level of insight, identity and divine inspiration to your perception. You will most likely experience an increase in creative abilities and perception, including symbolism. It is the further arousal and movement of kundalini and these experiences which inspired many mystical and religious works of antiquity. During one fermentation cycle, I laid in bed for several days having stream of visions involving the selling of organs, death, concentration camps and necromancy. I felt like my own organs had been placed in jars and then put back in my body and my body put together again with nails and ancient tools being used on my etheric body as it felt like it was being reassembled. I could smell formaldehyde all around me off and on for days and had visions of being hacked to pieces and my family and loved ones being hacked to pieces in my mind’s eye. It was all very intense and although, what I described was just one personal experience it is good to know that there are reasons why our psyche could produce images of death and dismemberment, in fact, these are classic images of one stage within a very natural process of transformation and with proper understanding the person experiencing them can express themselves artistically and healthily without fear that they are simply psychotic.

6) DISTILLATION: Just as distilled water is boiled to increase it’s purity, so is our psyche agitated and challenged during the distillation process in order to ensure that all the lower thought forms, habits and contents of our original ego mind are completely separated from the fermented being. At this point the kundalini is raised from the sacral chakra in the tailbone (first chakra) to the brain and pineal gland and it is represented by the 3rd eye chakra in the center of the forehead for this reason. Techniques such as introspection and reflection are used at this stage to identify those things which do not belong to our new and reborn self. Distillation allows us to become refined and purified from all lower functions as the sublimated spiritual presence is released within us. After having an experience of distillation you will think and process your reality differently, having a much deeper understanding of purity in the mind. Going through distillation was like having a resident angel in my body for days who filtered all energy coming from me and to me and rebuffed illusions on the mental plane while reaffirming higher truths. The whole process was experienced for me like having a kind instructor in my presence for several days and all remaining mumbo jumbo and old programs were identified and discarded, while having higher ideas regarding mental, spiritual and energetic truths left in their place. This process went as deep as I was ready for at the time and will happen again at a deeper level when the time is best for me. Although, humanity’s evolution as a whole is guided and influenced astrologically, our ability to address our true mental and emotional contents and integrate change is based on a personal choice to accept grace and actually attempt it. When I have my next run in with distillation, surely more of my unacknowledged shadow aspects will be brought to my attention and I also receive more truth and wisdom in its place, the cycle continues as long as there is work to do and this is one example of why the work is truly individual in nature and can not be a group process, although we can enjoy groups to support one another as individuals.

7) COAGULATION: Coagulation is like the precipitation of purified ferment which arose during the distillation. The final operation of coagulation occurs in the 7th or crown chakra on the top of your head which effects the pituitary gland. It is believed that some sort of brain ambrosia is released from the pineal gland (phallic in shape) and that it combines with the matter of the pituitary (vulva shaped gland) to give birth to your permanent body of light; which is the immortal vehicle for your highest aspirations and evolved aspects of your mind. The body of light retains your memories and feelings from your lifetime on Earth and is able to become one with soul and spirit at death. The body of light is similar to the concept of the astral body raised and purified through repeated cycles of the entire process until only the true essence of the astral and mental faculties of the individual remains. The remaining being is your rebirth and that is the part of you which is immortal and born from humanity. This body of light is the “Greater or Philosopher’s Stone” of the alchemists and it nourishes the cells of the physical body without waste product. The achievement of a permanent state of coagulation is also referred to as a return to the Garden of Eden and denotes a solid unification with the Divine Mind. This stage releases that astral body of light that is the goal of many spiritual movements to introduce you to and is also the method by which alternate realities and dimensions of existence are experienced by an individual while incarnated on Earth.

Shapeshifting and the Magic of ONE

Shapeshifting and the Magic of ONE

There is a Oneness here on Gaia and ALL beings and creatures are connected through it. This does not mean all things are equal in power and authority nor are they alike; it means that Divine power and authority can be invoked over and from within ALL things and that all things are able to be experienced by the One true self. I think it is easiest to understand this with your ego mind just like you experience having a dream. You dreamt of many people last night and you experienced yourself as separate from them, yet in truth it was only your mind creating them all. In that dream universe you were the One true self, but, while you were having the dream you experienced creating characters, physical landscape and scenery, dialogue etc. Quantum physics shows us that at the fundamental level physicality is an illusion too and that matter itself only exists as non- polarized potential until the action of man’s mind is placed upon it, something called “The Observer Effect.”

The hermetic law of mentalism basically says that all is mind. That Divine power I speak of is what the Native Americans call the Great Spirit and what some call the All That Is. It is the attributes of the creator called omnipotence and omnipresence that can be experienced by the soul of a human who has united with the creator of ALL That IS internally, at least long enough to have the experience. If even for a moment, those of us who have had these spontaneous awakenings are never the same again. In order to experience these heightened states and to perceive with them ALL parts of the self, all energies in the creation and all emotions, thoughts, perceptions and senses are awakened and available to the creator at once.

The Divine creator has no judgment on any aspects of the creation that can be experienced or accessed through us, so if your ego mind is still caught up in polarized thinking and judgment, you will limit the experience with your own restrictions and the divine being cannot become awakened or self-aware within you long enough for you to perceive of yourself as such. It is like saying to the great I AM, “There is no room for your experiences here as I have chosen to block out and judge all dark, powerful or confusing energies that I do not understand with my ego mind. My ideas about myself and what is good or bad do not relate to what the divine being sees, feels and perceives so I choose my own ideas instead.”

Remember, the story of Genesis and the Garden of Eden? The snake tempted Eve and Adam to eat of the Tree of Good and Evil under the impression it would make them like Gods. This is the problem, it is the Good vrs. Evil, the black and white thinking, the 0’s and 1’s that create the matrix and the perception of shame, judgment and fear. The garden of Eden represents a higher state of consciousness, from which they fell due to this division and “they knew for the first time that they were naked and were ashamed.” We cannot experience the unity in its entirety if we are stuck in light and dark paradigms of judgment.

To perceive reality without any judgment, the human consciousness, an ego in submission, must be in complete submission to the experiences and perceptions of the divine being within. You allow the Divine to perceive of him/ herself from within you and then you receive the impression of much larger realities from having that exchange. When you dream lucidly you acknowledge the fact that you are only dreaming and allow yourself to experience whatever you would like to create for yourself. When I lucid dream I like to fly and have adventures. What does the Divine wish to do when she/ he is awoken within you? What were you made to do and how do you fit into the bigger picture? The answers to these questions seem to be get clearer with time, and the impressions received and comprehended will get larger and you will experience yourself piecing them together like a puzzle as more time goes on. The initially fragmented and seemingly unrelated experiences eventually come together to expose the larger mind at work in your life which exposes the oneness of reality and allows you a peek behind the veil.

I bring up the Oneness since it allows us to penetrate and access any energy within the creation from within. This is the skill that shamans who shapeshift have mastered by allowing themselves to unite with the primal energies of the nature and animal kingdoms. Shamans may shapeshift to access or embody these energies in order to boost certain primal powers like strength and hearing, vision etc. In order to access the powers of these archetypes we must be comfortable using our whole brain at once and thinking, feeling, sensing and intuition are used in unison and harmony without conflict or preference for polarized energies and forms. In society we are trained to divide ourselves in many ways, to value one sense over another and this blocks shapeshifting and animal sensing abilities.

Earth energies, elemental and nature powers do not feel angelic at all since they are not stellar energies. Earth energies feel powerful and overwhelming and very, very physical to experience so they can easily be misjudged and labeled demonic or negative by any of us who do not understand these things and have learned to polarize light and dark in order to practice discernment. This is a common situation for spiritual people accustomed to the more subtle angelic frequencies, but, for those with the fairy fire in their blood that facilitates these magical connections to the Earth realms spontaneously, it can be misunderstood as bi-polar mood disorders, personality disorders and in some cases, psychosis can manifest when the condition continues to go unaccepted and misunderstood. The witches of old had a term for what is now called a light body activation. It was called a “re-veining” and when I had the experience of being re-veined with stellar light I would have chosen the term, re-wiring, as that was exactly what it felt like.

Stellar and Earth energies are both our inheritance as humanity and multidimensional existence is our truth. Our multidimensional existence may include incarnational lifetimes as various life forms on other planets too. Our existence on this planet is still an illusion cloaked in matter which hides the true nature of our real identity as a unique aspect of the One Divine Being. The history on this planet has been distorted and hidden so that humanity would never know themselves and embrace their hidden potential and awareness. But, for many of us the memories and the perceptions are too real to ignore. If I am describing you or your child I encourage you to embrace your whole self and to open up to the possibility that you are a magical creature too and that you are allowed to exist here without judgment or fear this lifetime.

Our children are allowed to see ghosts, to act like different animals, to make strange noises and speak in different languages and so are we. If you felt like you were a vampire as a child or like fairies were watching you, maybe they were. Gaia had many races of beings here far into the past and future over many cycles of time and many of us living right now are those same beings on different timelines. The multidimensional nature of the soul is such that it is possible to perceive these aspects of yourself regardless of where in time or space they seem to exist separately. The ancient past is the distant future as well and so all memories and knowledge can be transferred via the Oneness and beyond divisions of time and space. Multidimensional realities are not new phenomena, they are ancient realities forgotten and denied by beings who have limited their perceptions and experiences to those that society allows. So, the next time you feel frisky like a wild animal instead of suppressing and denying that feeling indulge it! The next time you think you see a ghost, try to talk to it. The next time your child’s teacher tells you to stifle your kid’s creativity tell her what she is doing. It is not illegal to be magical, so why is the world set up that way?

The presence of primal powers and instinctual archetypes of manifestation are imprinted into the consciousness of Gaia and these energies are not necessarily evil simply because they are not human soul or angelic/ stellar intelligence. The fairy/ elven bloodlines are naturally sensitive to these Earth based multidimensional realities and the presence and interference of these archetypes with the person’s life will be perceived by them even if they don’t comprehend what it is. In a magical bloodline family some of those perceived “demons” simply need to be understood, mastered and maybe even exercised once in a while; but, certainly not cast out or “exorcised” as Christianity teaches. Tales of shamans who could turn into big panthers, flying birds and even good and evil shapeshifting reptiles exist in the indigenous cultures around the world. Magically sensitive people sense energies and can sometimes feel like they are flowing with them, which is also called shapeshifting.

Internal primal forces and non-human aspects exist within us, as well as, outside of us. If you are aware of your connections to them you are better to respect them and harness them toward your personal and tribal wellbeing then to be separated from them out of fear or judgment. To recollect our whole self without polarization and separation we must learn how to embrace these natures and forces as simply being more expanded aspects of the ONE true self to be honored and integrated as tools under the higher will; if true power is to be experienced when needed. Much occurs on the astral level of reality that humanity is mostly unaware of, yet, the astral plane is very powerful and effects what manifests into physicality for each of us as individuals and collectively.

Magical beings participate in the astral plane of manifestation to effect change that assists Gaia and humanity to reclaim its higher dimensional realities and expand its consciousness and connectivity with the whole. Just like some lightworkers work with the astral and energetic grids, Shapeshifters with astral abilities can perform in many roles like a spy and also go undetected for safety on the astral plane by shifting energetic form. You can also defend yourself on the astral plane by shifting energetically into something more powerful or evil, which deters the dangerous being from targeting or detecting you. This form of shapeshifting is done on the astral and mental level and yet the energy bodies can be seen to take the form of the animal or another being around the outside of the physical body by someone with clairvoyant sight and sometimes even those without. Animal powers and enhanced abilities also kick in when shifting energetically and so these abilities are a gift, not a curse, it is only perceived as a curse when it is misunderstood and feels like it is turned against you or you believe it is something evil and reject yourself.

Physical shapeshifting is also possible for some who knows how to completely let go and trust divine power. Think about it, if I can awaken and fly in my dreams, where physicality and gravity appear to exist until I simply start believing they do not, then, surely the One being awakened within my form has the potential to transform any part of the illusion of physicality, since we know it is ultimately an illusion. If I were to doubt the power of the Divine being to do so, though, I would not be able to perceive such a miracle due to doubt and I suspect humanity fails to experience more miracles due to this problem. Religious thought and polarized black and white thinking about good and evil keep us from being able to embrace these experiences and lead to our own projections of fear and judgment upon these changes when the magical shape shifting impulse occurs.

By projecting fears of demon possession, fallen angels and satanic concepts onto these naturally pre-existing energies we deny ourselves the experiences and power that are actually found there. There are archetypal creatures that are more like ancestors for many of us and are powerful connections to our past and heritage, not all humans are simply human. There are several shows on TV these days that confront this hidden truth. Shows such as Charmed, True Blood and Hemlock Grove are based around the concept of magical clans and bloodlines that contain the hidden powers of creatures thought fiction like vampires, witches and fairies. These beings are not fiction, they exist deep within our history and heritage on this planet. These labels, however, like most others are not understood very well and we have distorted ideas about them plaguing society. However, perceiving these things does not make you mad at all, it makes you insightful actually. It is the judgment and fears of these perceptions which cause them to become unmanageable for the experiencer and can turn into paranoia and chaos or possession if not channeled appropriately.

The attack on magic in all forms of paganism and Gnosticism, including Gnostic Christianity by the Roman Catholic Church has always been an agenda to strip of us our true heritage, our awareness of ourselves, and our participation with Gaia and Universal ascension energies and archetypes. It was judging and separating myself from all I perceived as dark or non-resonant with my stellar aspects that perpetuated a split in my psyche that is healing. This is a split that exists throughout our culture and our races, as it was a deliberate side effect of multi-generational social programing. There is a movie called the Golden Compass and it is about this very thing of which I speak, go and watch it if you do not believe me, the whole movie depicts the multigenerational programming and enslavement achieved by the Roman Catholic Church and their Rothschild financial lords.

The movie depicts the split between parents and children, adults and nature and the attack on the multidimensional and animalistic powers of the human soul by these elite forces. It even portrays the use of electronics and technology to literally divide children from their animal powers in order to create half alive zombies and the rigidity of adulthood under their regime which crystalizes the otherwise fluid nature of the soul which restricts it’s abilities to shapeshift.

That is where most people lose out, they judge and block something that if allowed to present itself fully would reveal the deeper intention which is pure and the deeper power, which is quite intense. The other aspect of this type of awareness is that you will no doubt eventually encounter more aspects and incarnations of yourself that exist multidimensionally. Sometimes, these aspects of yourself existing in various timelines have abilities and knowledge that you do not have in this incarnation. Divinity opens this gateway and the meeting enables the transference of the knowledge and wisdom you collected in other lifetimes to your conscious self now.

It is beholding this experience of expanded awareness and multidimensional existence in a passive state that allows the ego mind to perceive the expanded reality and to deduce more truth regarding the real self. Once, you have encountered and accepted the reality of your multidimensional selves you may experience a feeling of energetically shapeshifting into them at times when some type of transference is required. The ego gets a bad rap, but, as a well-trained tool for the higher self it is an asset for increasing awareness and functioning between worlds. When we project ideas of judgment, light and dark, good and evil onto divine inspiration and magical impulses we are bowing to the perceived notions of our ego mind. It is only when we submit to the ego instead of the higher mind that we create a distortion and block our ascension and experience of multidimensionality and divinity within. By letting go of social programs and limiting belief systems that tell us magic is impossible, we create the space that will allow for a miracle to unfold within the mind and reality of the being who let’s go of those constructs and simply knows that magic IS.

©Tu’ Takana
